Reserve your fantastic fire department event!

STEP 1: Use our booking form or Call us at 267-699-FIRE (3473)

Have your calendar handy with a preferred date and time for your event in mind. We recommend booking as far in advance as possible to ensure availability. However, sometimes we have an opening and can accommodate a last-minute booking.

STEP 2: Pay Deposit and Review Confirmation

You will be asked to provide a $250 deposit to hold your reservation. This deposit is applied in full towards the cost of your event. You will also receive an email confirmation. Please review this carefully for accuracy.

STEP 3: Prior to your Event

You will receive a follow-up text/email a few days before the event.

STEP 4: Day of Event

Our fire truck will arrive in your neighborhood a few minutes early for final preparations, and will wait near your home out of sight. You will receive a call within a few minutes of your reservation time to make sure everyone is ready before we make our grand entrance. A few moments later, our big red truck will arrive with lights flashing and siren blaring to make your child's special day a fantastic one.

For your convenience we gladly accept the following credit/debit cards.

Credit card logos.

Ready to book your Fantastic Fire Department event?

Book Now

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